January 2, 2010


Editor's Note: This is a goal breakdown for one of my eight life facets – includes where I am now, a being statement, 5-year goals and goals for 2010. Some of the goals are tangible and some our intangible.


Where Am I Now: Have a list of 101 things I want to accomplish in 1001 days (486 days left)

• Most social activities revolve around giving back

• Limited funds have handcuffed us from going out a lot

Being Statement: I will not forget to have fun and maxmize any situation that I'm placed in.

• I will focus on the success of the people that I love.

By 2015, I will have...

– Started more realistic 101 List, incorporating my wife and children

– Still have relationship with Little Brother (BBBS)

– Go on one mission trip

2010 Goals:

– Write a least one blog post a week

– Spend one-on-one time with each of my "inner circle"

– Continue seeing my Little Brother on a weekly basis

– Start doing research on mission trip

– Complete all the "little" tasks on my 101 List

Goal Breakdown

Accountability Coaches

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