May 11, 2008


Please watch and I'll explain....

I've had a lot of people ask me about my first week "on the job." Here are several of my standard responses:

• "It was great...a lot different, but great."

• "Busy – the week flew by."

• "To be honest with's hard to STOP working!"

I think a lot of people assumed that getting started every morning would be the hardest part of working from home. 


When you're a card-carrying, due-paying, certified and licensed workaholic it's the END of the day that's hard. 

When you do "clock out?"

There were several times last week – probably around 6 or 6:30 in the evening – when I consciously pushed myself away from the desk and said, "Stop!" (Not that I ran out of things to do – or really even wanted to quit for the day – but if I hadn't stopped right then, I might have pushed until 9 or 10 o'clock that night.)

One of those days, I made myself go outside and mow the yard. (Now I will admit..I checked my e-mail and phone messages between the front and back yard, but that's not really working, right?) After I got done with the yard, took a quick shower, and grabbed a bite to eat, I snuck in another hour of work – mainly laying out my game plan for the next day. 

Some people might think that's sadistic, but remember: Card-carrying, due-paying, certified and licensed workaholic. 

It's important that you know and understand that I am not bragging in any shape, form or fashion – it's a sickness and I'm trying to jump on a wagon that I haven't ridden since I was probably 10 years old (that's when I started cleaning my Dad's office every weekend).

As long as I'm alive, I will work hard. My parents did too good a job to ever change that.

But this new endeavor gives me a tremendous opportunity to treat my sickness – flexibility being the primary antidote. 

If I want to go for a run or bike ride at 10 a.m....I need to DO IT!

If the Rangers are playing an afternoon game in Arlington...GO!

If we start drinking beer and telling big stories at my Mom and Dad's house one Sunday evening...STAY THE NIGHT and drive into Fort Worth the next morning!

(WOW! I would have to play some serious "ketchup" if I went to a 3-hour Ranger game...DANG IT...NO....STOP....WORK TO LIVE, DON'T LIVE TO WORK....COME ON, DREW....YOU CAN DO IT!)

Seriously, without compromising e-Partners in Giving – and anyone associated with this company (mainly my partner and our investors) – I have to embrace my current situation and continue to improve my quality of life. I have to keep reminding myself that's one of the reasons I'm doing what I'm doing.

(BTW: This blog helps me do that. It's a tremendous way to finish off a day "at the office" – write a few paragraphs, Google a little "spice," and then call it a day.)


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