December 30, 2009

Train to Averageville is Leaving – Are You On It?

I was recently introduced to a web site created by Chris Guillebeau.

It has a wonderfully great title: "The Art of Non-Conformity ... Unconventional Strategies For Life, Work and Travel." 


I'm still familiarizing myself with the site, but I stumbled upon his "manifesto" – "A Brief Guide to World Domination."

Here are some highlights:

• Main Concept: If you want it badly enough, and are willing to make some changes in your life to cause it to happen, you too can take over the world.

• What you'll learn: How your own personal goals can be directly related to helping other people.  While you are pursuing your big ideas, you can also make a difference in the lives of others at the same time. 

• His list of "11 ways to live unremarkably average" is eye-opening.

• He poses two questions that will put you on the path to world domination. (I'm working through them.)

If those four bullet points aren't enough for you to click on the link below...tell everyone in Averageville that I said hello.

1 comment:

Chris Guillebeau said...

Thanks for the props, Drew.Good luck with your own world domination plans.

All best,


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